
Treonne, a BexGroup company, is an intellectual capital-driven company producing technologically advanced products in the animal feed sector.


One of the leading products is TreoSOY, a high rumen bypass protein enhancing the growth of young animals, wool production of sheep, as well as milk production in the high-producing dairy cow. Other products, like TreoSun (sunflower based), Treoblend (soy and sun) as well as Enhance (full-fat soy and soy meal), provide a spectrum of bypass amino acids, as well as improved energy yields. That improves the economical results of milk and milk solids production and the growth and feed conversion ratio of beef or mutton production. Even grazing animals benefit from applying bypass protein in licks or other supplemental feeding systems. The use of these products in Intensive farming of grazing game species is also recommended.

Treonne is an example of innovation and is driven by the need for specialist products for the growing animal feed market.

Vaalharts Pecan Plant

The Vaalharts Pecan Plant is situated in the Vaalharts area, where more than half of South African pecan nuts are grown. The main functions of the Vaalharts Pecan Plant are sizing, grading, and cracking pecan nuts. Nuts acceptable for in-shell exports are cleaned and sized accordingly, whereas pecan nut halves and pieces go through a more rigorous process of cracking and grading. After representative nut samples are drawn, they are analysed according to physical, microbiological, and chemical specifications. Each shipment receives a detailed analysis sheet with pecan nut specifications to ensure conformity.

The Vaalharts Pecan Plant undergoes an annual audit process to ensure processing procedures comply with the British Retail Consortium (BRC) standards.

Moorreesburg Silobag Depot

Moorreesburg Silobag Depot (MSD) is situated in the Swartland region of the Western Cape, near Moorreesburg. In 2010, MSD met all the requirements for storage as a JSE Commodity Derivative Market (SAFEX) delivery point and was subsequently registered as such for grain, making it the first silo bag depot in South Africa listed on the JSE. The facility has a capacity of 40 000 tons and is equipped with the latest grading equipment, a weighbridge, and an electronic stock management system. MSD’s highly trained staff ensures the correct grading and management procedures. As the depot’s name indicates, grain is stored in silo bags. The silo bags are 60 to 120-metre-long polyethylene bags that can each take up to 180-400 tons of grain.

MSD has established a healthy element of competition in the grain storage industry. This encourages a continuous strive towards greater efficiency, resulting in lower storage costs.

National Pride Lucerne

National Pride Lucerne is a lucerne (Alfalfa) processing plant situated in Jan Kempdorp, Northern Cape. Depending on the bale size, the warehouses can store approximately 12,000 tons of Big Pack bales, weighing between 500 and 800 kilograms. This enables Bester to store and transport producers’ lucerne as effectively as possible. The warehouse aims to add value by grading and milling lucerne using the best equipment in Southern Africa.

National Pride Lucerne adds value by upgrading, milling, and compacting lucerne.